'It's a warm evening, but people don't seem to be bothered by the heat as they watch the critically acclaimed film out in the open, where they can drink, smoke and talk, if they feel like.'
He often spends nights camping on the platforms of obscure stations, sometimes without food or water, anticipating the entry of a train -- either on camera or simply as a memory.
Traditional textile and art forms are being adapted into modern-day garments, ranging from the super-luxurious to the casual.
Google really wanted to know why people kept asking the Assistant to marry them, says Amrita Singh.
It was in the 1960s that the Beetle attained its cult status, when it became almost synonymous with the hippie movement -- and succeeded in shaking off the grim history of its origins. As Volkswagen announces the end of the Bug's journey, Amrita Singh goes down a nostalgic road.
The camaraderie between the Genie and Aladdin is expressed in Hindi, a language that only the two of them can use to communicate with each other. The rest of the cast speaks in English, making Hindi the indigenous aspect of a globally loved tale.
'More so, if it is their daughters wanting to marry someone of their own choosing.' 'Children are seen as property. That's why the problem is so messy.' For young Indians wanting to marry outside their religion, expressing their right to love and live as they choose is becoming increasingly hazardous.
Anger problems, however, don't crop up overnight. The signs are usually present at least two years before a major outburst comes to light.
Pricing isn't at the heart of Ikea's strategy. It is understanding how Indians live.